"They had two dates for the end of 6000 year rule by Satan , the first in the late 1800`s and the second one was 1975 ."
They claim that they corrected a 100 year error in the original chronology. That made 1874 turn into 1975 (maybe there was another 1 year error).
In any case one thing that is never mentioned is their assumption that the years were supposed to be 360 days long instead of 365.25. They claim that the Babylonian year was 360 days long but that is utterly false. With an actual year you would have 365.25 X 7 = 2556.75 starting at 607 B.C.E. (according to their claim about that date.). That would give a 7 year period ending in 1949 (I may be off by a year.).
Correct 607 B.C.E. to 587 you add another 20 years. Let them spin that!